Install CP2102N Driver on Windows

Download and Install the Driver

Download and install the CP2102N USB to UART Bridge VCP driver from here. Choose the Download VCP option according to your operating system version.

Download CP2102N Driver

Connect LinkIt 7697 to Computer

After driver installation, simply use a micro-USB cable to connect the board to your computer. The onboard PWR LED should light up, as shown below:

Confirm Driver Installation

After connecting the board to the computer, follow the steps below to confirm if the driver is installed properly:

  • Open Device Manager from the control panel.

  • In the Ports (COM & LPT) section, an item named Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COMXYZ) should appear. The number XYZ can be different on each computer. This is the COM port you'll be using to program and interact with the LinkIt 7697 board.

  • Open Arduino IDE and a LinkIt 7697 item should appear under the Tools > Port menu:

You're now ready to download sketches to the LinkIt 7697 board.

Last updated