Run Your First Sketch

After setting up the IDE, we now upload a basic sketch to make sure everything is working properly.

The Blink Example

This is the most basic example sketch from the board - blink the onboard USR LED. To run the example, follow the below steps:

  1. Connect the board to your computer, as instructed in the previous chapter.

  2. Select LinkIt 7697 from the board: go to Tools > Board.

  3. Select Tools > Port: menu, and then select COM XYZ (LinkIt 7697). The number XYZ can be different on each computer. The screenshot below is an example:

4.Now select the Blink example from File > Examples > 01. Basics > Blink, as shown below:

5.Click the Upload button on the toolbar, as shown below:

6.It may take some time to compile and upload the sketch. During the uploading process, the board's TX and RX LEDs will blink rapidly. Once the uploading completes, the IDE shows Done uploading. as shown below:

7.The board will automatically reboot, and the USR LED should start to blink once every second.

Note that unlike Arduino Uno, the USR LED maps to P7 instead of P13 on the LinkIt 7697 board. Therefore the functional call:

digital_write(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);

is equal to:

digital_write(7, HIGH); // 7 maps to P7 on LinkIt 7697 board

Refer to the pinout diagram to find other pin mapping definitions.

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