LED Bar v2.0 (MY9221)

The Grove LED Bar v2.0 is comprised of a 10 segment LED gauge bar and an MY9221 LED controlling chip. It can be used as an indicator for remaining battery life, voltage, water level, music volume or other values that require a gradient display. There are 10 LED bars in the LED bar graph: one red, one yellow, one light green, and seven green bars. For complete details, please visit the official WiKi page of this component.

You can see how to download and install the driver by referring to:

After the installation is done, follow the steps below to use this component.

Setup and Execution

  1. Connect the LED module to the I2C header of the LinkIt 7697 breakout board.

  2. Select the File / Examples / Grove_LED_Bar-master / Walk menu.

  3. Click the Upload icon to compile and upload the sketch file to the board.

  4. You will see the LED Bar blink in a similar pattern as below:

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